Oct 2019
A Joint meet of Cerebral Palsy Affected people and their family in Kasaragod District were organised on World Cerebral Palsy Day at Kasaragod Municipal Conference Hall. Dr. D Sajith Babu IAS, District Collector Kasaragod, Inaugurated the event. Dr. Arun Ram M V (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Specialist took a guidance class. Dr. Fousad, Ms. Elizebath P Paul (Consultant Speech Therapist, Dr. M V Shetty College Manglore) & Mr. Jinil Raj J R (Chief Physiotherapist, Akkara Foundation) also took the sessions.
Also, a Specially Abled Award was given to Mr. Shaheed Thalangara for his excellence and success in life in the midst of disability. Also, an initial step was taken for the formation of Spastic Association of Kasaragod.