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OCT 2023


 On the 21st of October 2023,  Akkara Foundation organized a free disability screening camp at Padanna Community Health Center (CHC) for children under the age of 15 in Padanna Panchayat. The event, inaugurated by Mr. Muhammed Aslam P.V, Padanna Panchayat President, aimed to provide free disability screening services to the children. Operating from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM, the camp saw the participation of around 25 dedicated members. The camp offered a comprehensive range of services, including assessments by psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, special education specialists, and speech therapists. It was conducted by social work interns of Akkara Foundation.  There were five interns, four social work interns and one psychology intern.  The psychology intern was assigned to take assessment of the children and the room was arranged by the rest of the social work interns. After that, each intern took various tasks, and one intern, the receptionist, others took the client to the psychology department and from there to other departments.  After that interns arranged meeting with clients and manager to inform about Akkara Foundation and Minions. The screening camp was conducted  with a team of highly skilled professionals, including Mr. Jinil Raj J.R, the head of the Centre for Child Development, who also a physiotherapist. Other professionals included Mr. Sulaiman, a physiotherapist, Mr. Muhammad Favas, a psychologist, Ms. Arathi, a psychology intern, Mr. Sam Rechard, an occupational therapist, and Ms. Fathima Leleya, a speech-language pathologist. Ms. Lisana, a special education therapist, played an integral role in the event. First the psychologist made the assignment and then the psychologist referred child to various department according to their problems. This initiative highlighted the significance of early detection and intervention in children with disabilities, emphasizing the community’s commitment to their well-being.